Should You Use Customised Seals or Generic?

14 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Ensuring an industrial pipe network doesn't leak is often what people will think of when asked about seals. The seals cover connections between pipes and other parts of the system and prevent whatever is in the pipes from leaking out. While this is a major role for the seals, it isn't the only one. When choosing a new sealing system for your equipment, the seals need to fit well and stop material from leaking out at weak points in the connection. Read More 

3 Reasons to Buy a Drag Broom For Your Tennis Court

29 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

To make the most of your tennis court, you should keep its surface clean and clear from debris. A tennis court broom is a great solution. However, you can choose from different designs of brooms. While some people favour a regular brush, others use a drag broom. How does a drag broom work and why should you buy one for your tennis court? What Is a Drag Broom? Like any tennis court broom, a drag broom has an over-wide head, designed to cover as much of the court as possible with every sweep. Read More 

Vibrating Screens: Your Ultimate Selection Guide

25 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Pneumatic vibrators are indispensable in the material handling industries. They come in handy to ensure a smooth flow of materials. These highly-beneficial machines come in various forms to suit specific material handling needs. Generally, the direction of material flow will determine the most suitable vibrator. For instance, if you have materials flowing along a straight line, it would be best to go for a vibrator with linear vibration. If your material handling applications entail separating materials, sizing them, or removing unwanted materials from the rest, a vibrating screen will be necessary. Read More